General Knowledge – Basic – 017

2446 : Who is the inventor of World Wide Web?
Ans : Tim Berners Lee

2447 : Which was the first Indian state to accept tourism, as an industry?
Ans : Kerala

2448 : Which is the most populated country?
Ans : China Second is India; USA (3); Indonesia (4)

2449 : The Republic of China was formed in ?
Ans : 1912

2450 : Scientific name of Frog is ?
Ans : Rana Hexadactyla

2451 : Who is the Father of Indian Super Computer?
Ans : Dr. Vijay B Bhatnagar.

2452 : Vitamin E is also called?
Ans : Tocopherol

2453 : The ‘Bhadradeepam’ and ‘Murajapam’ in the Padmanabha Swami Temple was started by?
Ans : Marthandavarma.

2454 : Devadasi System in the temples of South Travancore was abolished during the regency of?
Ans : Setu Lekshmi Bai.

2455 : Who is the author of Doctor Zhivago ?
Ans : Boris Pasternak

2456 : S.N.D.P Yogam was founded in ?
Ans : 1903

2457 : To which country Gabriel Garcia Marquez belongs?
Ans : Colombia

2458 : The Currency of Hungary?
Ans : Forint

2459 : Who is the author of “Satanic Verse”?
Ans : Salman Rushdie

2460 : Who was the French existentialist writer who refused to accept the Nobel Prize for Literature?
Ans : Sartre

Author: Freshers