General Knowledge – Basic – 017

2536 : Who is the author of ” Kappirikalude Nattil”?
Ans : S K Pottekadu

2537 : The Ministerial Council; the supreme organ of the WTO has to meet at least?
Ans : Once in every two years

2538 : Who is the ‘Father of Modem Genetics ?
Ans : Rev. Gregor Mendel

2539 : What is the literacy of Kerala as per the 2011 census?
Ans : 93. 91%

2540 : Who is the creator of the famous characters “Juliet; Miranda; Othello;”?
Ans : Shakespeare

2541 : In the Gender Equality Index (GII) published in 2011 India is ranked at?
Ans : 129th in the world

2542 : Which country is the largest producer of Tea in the world?
Ans : China

2543 : Who is the author of “Rajpath Se Lokpath Par”?
Ans : A.B.Vajpayee

2544 : The Indoswiss Project for the development of livestock is located in?
Ans : Mattupetty

2545 : Who is the author of “Memories of World War II”?
Ans : Winston Churchill

2546 : Name computer literacy programme launched in Malappuram District in Kerala?
Ans : Akshaya Project

2547 : Who is the author of “House Divided”?
Ans : Pearl S Buck

2548 : Who is the author of “Principle of Mathematics”?
Ans : Bertrand Russel

2549 : ‘Marginal utility theory’ was concepetuallised by?
Ans : Alfred Marshall

2550 : Who is the author of “Merchant of Venice”?
Ans : Shakespeare

Author: Freshers