General Knowledge – Basic – 006

856 : Who is the author of “Hungry Stones”?
Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

857 : Diptheria causing bacteria is ?
Ans : Comeye bacterium diptheriae

858 : Who is the author of “Hamsters”?
Ans : C.P. Snow

859 : Xerophthalmia and Nightblindness are caused due to the deficiency of ?
Ans : Vitamin A

860 : Who is the inventor of Nuclear Physics?
Ans : John Crockfort

861 : Divine Comedy’ a classical work of the Renaissance period; was written by?
Ans : Dante

862 : Who is the author of Eternal Himalayas ?
Ans : Maj H P S Ahluwalia

863 : Who established the first printing press in England in 1477?
Ans : William Caxton

864 : Eldepylis a drug to used to treat which disease ?
Ans : Parkinson’s disease

865 : Who is the author of “Oh; Calcutta”?
Ans : Kenneth Tynan

866 : Father of Cytology?
Ans : Robert Hook

867 : The Capital of United Kingdom?
Ans : London

868 : Name the economy in which public enterprise or state ownership of capital exists in all the important spheres of productive activity?
Ans : Socialist Economy

869 : Who is the author of “Farewell The Trumpets”?
Ans : James Morris

870 : Greek critics considered ……as the aim of tragedies?
Ans : Catharsis

Author: Freshers