Biology basic Q and A (07)

1021 : The process by which green plants manufacture food in the form of carbohydrates by using water; CO2 and sunlight is ?.

1022 : The major movement in India connected with plant conservation is ?
Ans : Chipko movement

1023 : The first computer magazine ‘Computers and Automation’ first published by ?
Ans : Edmund Berkely in 1950.

1024 : Who is the inventor of Atomic Numbers?
Ans : Moseley

1025 : What is known as the power house of the cell?
Ans : Mitochondria

1026 : Diphtheria and Tetanus vaccine was discovered by ?
Ans : Emil Adolf Von Belming and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1891)

1027 : Who is the inventor of Galvanometer?
Ans : Sweigger

1028 : Dengu fever; also called Breakbone fever; is transmitted mainly through?
Ans : Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

1029 : Who is the inventor of Yellow fever; cause of?
Ans : Reed

Author: Freshers