Biology basic Q and A (07)

1006 : The aquatic animal with most developed intelli- gence is?
Ans : Dolphin.

1007 : Who is known as Father of Immunology ?
Ans : Edward Jenner

1008 : Biopsy test is used to diagnose?
Ans : Cancer

1009 : Excessive stimulus for alcohol consumption is called?
Ans : Dypsomania

1010 : Urea is removed from the blood by ?
Ans : Kidneys

1011 : Who is the inventor of Xenon?
Ans : W.Ramsay & M.Travers

1012 : Organism is unable to prepare its own food is called?
Ans : Heterotrophic

1013 : Name the German Physician; who isolated Vibrio Cholerac in1883 is?
Ans : Robert Koch

1014 : Who is the inventor of Four Stroke Engine?
Ans : Nikolaus Lotto

1015 : Who created the first vaccine for rabies?
Ans : Louis Pasteur

1016 : Uniform Resources Locator (URL) is an electronic address that identifies a?
Ans : Website.

1017 : Who is the inventor of Transformer?
Ans : William Stanley

1018 : Who is the inventor of Evolution; Theory?
Ans : Charles Darwin

1019 : Apiculture is
Ans : Honey making.

1020 : What is the method of producing plants from minute plant fragments?
Ans : Tissue culture

Author: Freshers