Biology basic Q and A (07)

931 : Who is the inventor of Vitamins?
Ans : Funk

932 : Who is the inventor of Brownian Movements?
Ans : Robert Brown

933 : Which organ of the body is affected by Typhoid?
Ans : Intestine; whole body

934 : Who is the inventor of Clock Pendulum?
Ans : Huygens

935 : The structure of DNA molecule was discovered by ?
Ans : Watson and Crick in 1953

936 : Bleeding in liver is known as ?
Ans : Liver Cirrhosis

937 : The vegetation of deserts is called ?
Ans : Xerophytes

938 : Influenza causing virus is ?
Ans : Influenza virus (A;B;C)

939 : Which organ of the body is affected by Jaundice ?
Ans : Liver

940 : First detecting of AIDS Case in India was from ?
Ans : Chennai in 1986.

941 : Who is the inventor of Insulin?
Ans : F.Banting

942 : Excessive intake of polished rice causes deficiency of which vitamin ?
Ans : B1 (Thiamine)

943 : Whch is the world’s most ferocious fresh water fish?
Ans : Piranha

944 : Who is the inventor of Gas Engine?
Ans : Diamler

945 : Who is the founder of Facebook?
Ans : Mark Zukerberg

Author: Freshers