Shell : Sync a folder from one Linux instance to another Linux instance in a specific path.

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In Linux-based operating systems, it is common to synchronize files between different instances. One way to do this is by using SSH to securely connect to another instance and transfer files between them.

To sync a folder from one Linux instance to another Linux instance in a specific path, we can use the rsync command. The rsync command is used to synchronize files and directories between two locations, either on a local system or between two different systems over a network.

Here’s an example command that syncs a folder from the local system to a remote system using SSH:

rsync -avz -e ssh /path/to/local/folder user@remote:/path/to/remote/folder

Let’s break down how this command works.

The rsync command is used to synchronize files and directories between two locations. In this case, we are using it to sync a local folder to a remote system.

The -a option is used to archive files, preserving file permissions, ownership, and timestamps. The -v option is used to enable verbose output, showing the progress of the sync. The -z option is used to compress files during the transfer, reducing network traffic.

The -e option is used to specify the remote shell to use for the SSH connection. In this case, we are using the ssh command to connect to the remote system.

The first path argument is the path to the local folder that we want to sync. The second argument, user@remote:/path/to/remote/folder, specifies the remote user and the path to the remote folder where we want to sync our local folder.

After executing this command, rsync will connect to the remote system using SSH, and sync the local folder to the remote system in the specified path.

Note that you will need to have SSH access to the remote system, and have the appropriate permissions to write to the specified path.

Syncing a folder from one Linux instance to another Linux instance in a specific path can be achieved using the rsync command and SSH. We can use the -e option to specify the remote shell to use for the SSH connection, and the -avz options to enable verbose output, preserve file permissions, ownership, and timestamps, and compress files during the transfer.

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  1. PySpark Blogs
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